iwilGO puravida bracelets!

puravida ~ where every bracelet makes a difference

Now available! Custom black and white iwilGO puravida bracelets only $11 – includes shipping. Your donation will help bring better health, improved education, and more job opportunities to those in our villages in Kenya, Ghana and Haiti.

Founded in Costa Rica, purevida bracelets provides sustainable jobs to artisans worldwide and raises awareness for charities with products that give back. Your iwilGO purevida bracelet will support our global work alleviating poverty and improving the lives of others. GOLEARN

It’s super easy to order! Donate $11.00 here –GOGIVE

Email [email protected] to request your iwilGO puravida bracelet. Include your name, address and contact information.

Your iwilGO puravida bracelet will be on its way to you via USPS ground