The day I met Esther Semeryan in Amboseli, Kenya, I was introduced to an unfettered, grace- filled woman who exemplified a woman’s capacity for both her family and community. She is unstoppable and brimming with joy. Esther and I were tasked to source local ingredients to make liquid soap to support hygiene practices in the village and local school. With loosely scribbled instructions on a tattered piece of paper, we braved the local market moving through befuddled shop owners until we gathered what we needed. Laughter and lively conversation filled the room as we added water to the large vats of soap and stirred with long wooden spoons until bubbles mounted. I will never forget the palpable excitement from Esther and the other women; we had done it!
Liquid soap was the tip of the iceberg for Esther. She had always dreamed of being a teacher, and continues to pursue this on many fronts. She collaborated with the headmaster and teachers at the local school to implement hygiene curriculum and maintain a positive school-community relationship. She learned to sew and is leading several W.O.M.E.N to complete sewing training to establish a microenterprise creating locally designed merchandise and re-usable feminine hygiene products. She is a respected community leader and caretaker of the Joanne House; a local community hub and place for teams of volunteers to stay and engage with the villages.
Because of Esther and the women in her village, the programs promoting education and women’s entrepreneurship continue to multiply in strength and reach. Imagine the impact of these programs on the next-generation.
We are called to spread the love of the Christmas season to one another through acts of selflessness and service. When we are born we are in need; we crave love, attention, food, water, and diaper changes. The holiday season calls us to examine our hearts and open our hands to both give and receive. This Christmas, what are you going to do with the gifts you’ve been given? If you are looking for an adventure; an opportunity to be stretched, to make new friends, to make an impact, then GO. If you want to see you how your financial contribution can be multiplied into something immeasurably more, then GIVE. Be intentional. Be purposeful. Above all, GO spread the spirit of giving and cherish those you love.
God bless,
Jess Milakovich, iwilGO board • chair